
Below are common terms and acronyms used by the fitness community.

3010 Tempo – Take 3 seconds to lower the weight and, with no pause, return the weight to the starting position in 1 second.

3011 Tempo – Take 3 seconds to lower the weight and, with no pause, return the weight to the starting position in 1 second, then pause 1 second.

Check out this video that explains tempo counts.

AMRAP – As Many Reps As Possible

EMOM – Every Minute On the Minute.

Incline Bodyweight Machine – An exercise machine that uses your own bodyweight to provide resistance for weighted exercises, like the Total Gym.

Tabata – A 4 minute workout in which you alternate exercising for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest.

WOD – Workout Of the Day

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